What would you love for your life right now?

As a busy, successful, high-achieving woman, what is it that you crave most?

What’s missing from your crazy, full, amazing life?

For me, it was freedom.

Freedom to make my own choices.

Freedom to spend my time in the way that I wanted.

To work and to live the way I wanted to.

Freedom to have a rewarding career and ample personal and family time.

Freedom to finally start enjoying the life I’ve worked so hard to create.

But to me, freedom seemed … out of reach.

I felt constrained by so many things.

  • The expectations of my job.
  • Expectations of my colleagues.
  • Expectations of my spouse.
  • Even my own expectations of my career trajectory.

And all the “shoulds”

  • What I should be doing as a doctor.
  • What I should be doing as a mom.
  • What I should be doing as a wife.
  • The list goes on …

But nowhere in that list did I consider what I want to be doing.

What I know now, that I didn’t know then is that freedom is available anytime.

Happiness is available to you anytime.

Balance, peace, and ease … anytime

Including right now.

❌ You don’t have to quit your job to get it.
❌ You don’t have to leave medicine to get it.
❌ Your partner doesn’t have to change.
❌ Your kids don’t have to change.
❌ Not even your mother-in-law has to change.

So what has to change?

You. Only you and your thoughts.

Because it’s your current thoughts and actions that are creating your current reality.

And only new and different thoughts and actions will create a new and different reality for you.

✅ Happiness? Yours for the taking.

✅ Freedom? Also yours.

✅ The rewarding career and a personal/family life that you’d love? Yours!

✅ And bonus – No overworking, overthinking or overstressing required.


It’s simple really (but not necessarily easy!)

  • Learn to consistently manage your time better
  • Which helps you get your work done more efficiently
  • Leaving more free time for the things you love to do

This takes a combination of:

Learning new tools & skills
➡️ We aren’t taught these skills anywhere in our lives

Practicing them to wire in new habits
➡️ Practice = Progress!

And learning to quiet our inner critics while we learn to rely more on our inner wisdom
➡️ Goodbye perfectionism, imposter syndrome, and people-pleasing!

My 6-week program, The Productivity Prescription, provides all of these components for you.
Practical tools and skills plus the strategy and support you need to turn your new and different thoughts and ideas into your new and different REALITY.

What will you do with more free time in your life? More balance, peace, and ease?

Are you ready to find out?

I’d be honored to be your guide.

If you’re ready to invest in YOU, I’m ready to invest in you, too!

Join me for The Productivity Prescription! ???

Can’t wait to see you inside the program ?

Here’s to creating YOUR version of freedom,
Denee Choice