How can VULNERABILITY be a superpower?
Turns out that vulnerability is a prerequisite to continuous learning
To continuous improvement
You must be willing to find and accept your imperfections before you can act on them
To change
To improve
Or to simply allow them
Accept them
Choose to be perfectly imperfect
Vulnerability means you are willing to be open
To let your guard down
To be honest
To be yourself
And to FEEL all the feelings that go along with that
Are you willing to feel all the feelings?
Most people aren’t
But those that are willing
Learn that feelings can’t hurt you
FEELING your feelings, rather than resisting them
Makes you STRONGER
Vulnerability is NOT a weakness
Other benefits of vulnerability?
Human connection
Teams that work together better
Organizations that perform better
I help women leaders learn to use vulnerability as a superpower.
To create amazing
And personal relationships
Here’s to findings your strengths,